Finding Iggy, Finding a home
This week in honor of the feast of St. Ignatius (July 31) I will be sharing some reflections on Ignatian Spirituality, inspired by‘s #FindIggy campaign. Today I’m inspired by...
View ArticleThe First Principle and Foundation (a #FindIggy repost)
This week in honor of the feast of St. Ignatius (July 31) I will be sharing some reflections on Ignatian Spirituality, inspired by‘s #FindIggy campaign. Today I’m sharing what...
View ArticleTherefore let us keep the feast
One of my friends is a particularly fine party-thrower. She’s hosted classy cocktails, delicious brunches, and her last birthday was a bash to beat the band. She also has been known to throw parties on...
View ArticleDiscernment and the Spark of Conviction
“Every time you decide, there is loss, no matter how you decide. It’s always a question of what you cannot afford to lose. I’m not the one playing the piano here. You’re the one that needs to decide...
View ArticleA good interpretation
It is necessary to suppose that every good Christian is more ready to put a good interpretation on another’s statement than to condemn it as false. – St Ignatius of Loyola Is there a work of art, or...
View ArticleRestoration
Not far from the Sanctuary of Loyola, near St. Ignatius’ family home, pilgrims can visit the Magdalene Chapel. When Ignatius returned to his homeland having fallen ill in Paris in April 1535, he stayed...
View ArticleThe grace we need
Once we he was going out of devotion to a church situated a little more than a mile from Manresa…as he went along occupied with his devotions, he sat for a little while with his facd toward the river...
View ArticleIgnatius and me in Barcelona: Companionship, reliance and faith
He was afraid that if he had a companion with him, he would lose some of that supreme trust in God, deflecting it onto his companion. – Pedro de Ribadeneira, writing of Ignatius’s travel from Manresa...
View ArticleIn hac lacrimarum valle
To you we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to you we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Quite close to St Ignatius’s childhood home in Loyola is a shrine to Our Lady of...
View ArticleNothing more
Someone invited me to join a young adult group today and my heart skipped a beat at the thought that I am still young. Youth is in the eye of the beholder, but numbers are numbers. Though I’m a bit...
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